Falling for Florence

A city recommended by the wonderful friends who hosted me in Rome and the place of many new happy memories and steps. As part of by February break, I found Florence. So far on my adventures, I have been staying in AirBnBs with groups of new friends from the exchange program. This is definitely a... Continue Reading →

Art in Italy

In the course of my communications classes at university, I vaguely remember a theory that says media is making original art less impactful, because we have such easy access to high definition images. Not being an expert in art by any stretch of the imagination, I gave the theory little thought After visiting several galleries... Continue Reading →

Vienne: Echos of the Gallo-Roman Empire

January 20th Not a half-hour train ride from Lyon lies the city of Vienne. With Roman ruins, preserved pantheons, and medieval cloisters dispersed through the narrow cobblestones streets, Vienne brings you back in time with just a step into the old town. Perhaps it is just me, but I couldn't help but pause and reflect... Continue Reading →

The First 24 Hours in France

Whoa. In a word, that about sums up my experience since landing in Lyon. Actually, since take-off in Ottawa. A delayed plane to Montreal meant a very tight connection to Paris. By tight, I mean they had one of those airport carts racing through the hall to the terminal, horns blaring. We all made it,... Continue Reading →

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